Monday, October 8, 2007

Believe -- OT, but neat story

Not a cartooning subject, but it was a Sioux Falls/SD happening!

Elton John, last night in Sioux Falls, seemed downright impressed and astonished that he was able to meet Sen. George McGovern. He dedicated this song to him.

This was certainly right up there as one of the best concerts I've gone to. He started at 8:00 p.m. and went non-stop -- all Elton, no costume changes, etc. until 10:40. Elton was simply outstanding. He seemed personable, making connections to the audience, at his call back signing several autographs -- much like Willie Nelson did at the Washington Pavilion -- except then Elton came back to treat us to two more songs. Willie went back to his bus! ;-)

I'd sure like to know more about EJ's dog, Arthur, which is I guess from SD! He said he carries a little piece from SD everywhere he goes. :-)


Anonymous said...


Arthur is a cocker spaniel and is laying on the floor of this photo:

He was a gift to Elton from his partner David, on Elton's 56th birthday 4 years ago.

The other cocker spaniel is a more recent addition & her name is Marilyn; supposedly they are named after Marilyn Monroe & Arthur Miller, according to an interview with Elton.

Jackilope said...

Thank you so much for the info!

It is interesting that the Cocker Spaniel came from SD. We used to have a Cocker and I loved that breed. Our pet, when wagging it's tail, would wag it's whole back end and was so affectionate.

Thanks again for the info.

Anonymous said...

I missed Willie's concert at the Pavillion. Sorry he didn't play an encore. The Believe video is very artistic. It reminds me of Salvador Dali work of art. I assume Elton dedicated the song to Mr. McGovern because of the recent passing of his wife and the untimely death of his daughter. I like Elton's song from the 80's, "I'm Still Standing." That song made him a relevant artist, again, in the "me" decade dominated by Madonna and Duran Duran.

Jackilope said...

Hi Tim!
Boy, the lyrics could go so many different ways on that song! I thought about McGovern and work on ending hunger, his speaking out against the Vietnam and the Iraq war when listening to it.

I do agree, the video sure comes off surreal!!!

Anonymous said...

Your reference to the Iraq and Vietnam wars seems more relevant and credible than my theory. I misspelled "Pavilion" in my earlier post due to "restless right ring finger syndrome." Another lesser-known Elton song I really enjoy is Blue Eyes... Baby's got Blue a deep blue sea...